What is the BBB rating of LiveAuctioneers?
The BBB rating (at the time of writing this post) for LiveAuctioneers.com was an A+.
The BBB rating (at the time of writing this post) for LiveAuctioneers.com was an A+.
As mentioned in our LiveAuctioneers review, products on this auction website are typically things like: Coins Memorabilia Antiques Art Jewelry Furniture Collectibles Much more..
Yes there is! You can watch live and bid on live auctions using the LiveAuctioneers mobile apps on iTunes and Google Play.
Find the auction which you'd like to participate in and click the 'Register for Auction' button. The seller will be notified of your intent and will approve you.
LiveAuctioneers.com follows a strand auction format. Sign-up (free) Bid on auctions (free) Pay for the product and shipping (if you win). That's about it!