Have Questions? Submit yours today and we’ll answer it in our FAQ section.

We’ve included a list of common questions about penny auctions and penny auction bidding.

Zbiddy FAQs

What are some tips for bidding on Zbiddy?

Zbiddy provides a number of great tips for beginners. Some of the best are:

  • Be patient and watch each auction and pay attention to bidder behavior (we actually recommend this for all penny auctions!)
  • Keep an eye out for the number of bids you have left. It’s never good to run out as an auction is winding down.
  • Take advantage of getting free bids when signing-up, on facebook, their newsletter and more.

Our Zbiddy review also contains a lot more information on using and winning on Zbiddy.


Zbiddy free bids?

As with any penny auction, bidders always want to know how to get free bids on Zbiddy. Here are a few ways we know of:

  1. Sign-up and get a free bids with your 1st bid package puchase
  2. Once your a member, follow them on facebook for different promotions
  3. Refer a friend and get free bids
  4. Spin the Zwheel daily for free bids


Does Zbiddy offer auto-bid software?

Auto-bidding on Zbiddy

zbiddy-autobidEZ-Buddy is the name of Zbiddy’s bidding tool. Simply set a start and stop price range and the number of bids to place and EZ-Buddy takes care of the rest.

  • When it bids: Either randomly or it can wait for 10 seconds on the clock
  • How many bids can it place per campaign: 2-25 per auction
  • How many can be set simultaneously: Any number
  • Can it be deactivated? Yes
  • Restrictions: None
  • Try EZ-Buddy


How does Zbiddy’s Buy It feature work?

Zbiddy offers Buy It Now penny auctions where auction losers can apply the value of lost bids on any auctions towards purchasing the product for the stated retail value.
