Penny Auction Website Similar to Quibids

Since (nearly) the beginning of the penny auction era, Quibids has been a leader. As we outline in our review of Quibids penny auctions, Quibids has always maintained fair consumer policies, transparency, and most of all, tons of auctions with high-end products. Over time, some users notice that the competition on can be a [...]

2016-08-03T13:17:25+00:00Penny Auction Strategy|

HappyBidDay Referrals Now Pay Cash

For years, the most popular penny auction website have offered customer rewards programs which usually go something like this: Refer a friend Your friend spends money You get free bids It's not a bad deal. After all, we all want more bids for less money to improve our ability to be competitive in the penny [...]

2017-05-18T18:43:28+00:00Penny Auction Strategy|

Penny Auctions with Winning Guarantees

Over the past year, we've seen a number of penny auction website implement a winning guarantee of some kind. In general, the penny auction winning guarantee is something offered to ensure (or at least improve the odds-of) a new bidder wins at least 1 auction. From the Penny Auciton's standpoint, this reduces refund requests and [...]

A Penny Auction with Free Auctions?

It sounds a bit ironic, doesn't it? The entire penny auction concept is centered around the center idea that we (the bidders) pay for bids in order to participate in penny auctions. Recently, one of the top penny auction websites opened it's doors to free bidding. Now to clarify- SOME auctions are free. How HappyBidDay [...]

2017-05-18T18:43:28+00:00Penny Auction News|

The BBB and Penny Auctions

The penny auction industry is no stranger to scrutiny. From consumer protection groups to almost every media outlet, penny auctions are often criticized for their business practices. Below, we've summarized ratings of penny auctions by one of the most-respected sources, the BBB (Better Business Bureau). Please note that the below does not mean that these [...]

2017-05-18T18:43:28+00:00Penny Auction News|

Big News at HappyBidDay

Over the past few months, HappyBidDay has made a number of changes, most of which we actually like. Choose One Auctions First, HappyBidDay seems to have drastically improve product offering. The new Choose One Auctions are great for bidders as almost every auction comes with a number of prize choices. In general, the winner gets [...]

2017-05-18T18:43:28+00:00Penny Auction News|

March Madness at HappyBidDay

HappyBidDay kicks off March Madness this week with their annual March Madness bidding events which take place from March 16th to March 28th. So what's it all about? Discounted bid packages throughout the event Sweet 16 Started Auction - Starter auctions are HappyBidDay's beginner only auctions. While they usually include lower-ticket items, HappyBidDay is upping [...]

2017-05-18T18:43:28+00:00Penny Auction News|

The Trick with HappyBidDay Happy Auctions

If you’re new to HappyBidDay (or plan to sign up), we’ve put together a few valuable bidding strategies for you. How to Use Happy Auctions to Get Bids Cheap on HappyBidDay sells bid packages just as all the other penny auctions do. However, they offer another way for bidders to get bids which in [...]

2017-05-18T18:43:29+00:00Penny Auction Strategy|
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